The pictures are of an aldea by the name of Nahuala. They have nothing. No shoes, no coats, no food, one set of wet clothes and muddy floors in their makeshift shacks. Half the children had no shoes on in 45 degree rainy weather. One picture is of a very shy little girl who had muddy, bloody feet. We spent our first days assessing needs of three aldeas. This one. Los Robles. and Nueva Victoria. Nahuala was the worst. We cmae back later with Shelter box tents, shoes, clothes and 100 pounds of corn, 10 pounds of beans, 10 pounds of sugar and a box of soap for each family. THANKS TO YOU WHO DONATED THE MONEY FOR THIS FOOD. IT WAS LIFE SAVING. Also a month's supply. I have pictures of the tent day I will post later.
But I want to get this out now as we are sending a container down the end of Sept. It is by far the cheapest way to ship. $3.50 a sq. ft. but I need your donations here by the 20th as we will be packing it then. We are in desperate need of shoes [ from little guys to adult size 9 ], socks, underwear, jackets and sweats for adults, work gloves, ponchos, school supplies, OTC meds, medical equipment and if close enough furniture for our directors houses and farming equipment like a tiller.
Write me at
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