I want to start this blog by saying "thank you" to all those that donated to help Maria. She spent some time in the hospital where the doctors where able to put a membrane over the hole in her foot. She is going to need major physical therapy (which she needed as a child but never received because of her family's circumstances), but she is recently back home in a wheel chair that we (you) bought her and healthy. (read more about Maria here)
If you have been following Joel's blog you will see that we seem to be having lots of medical emergencies coming our way. We had another baby struggling to breath. Joel quickly called an ambulance and paid the $6.00 to have the infant taken to the hospital. Pneumonia is so common among these small children who spend all day inside with their mothers who are cooking over an open fire.
We would like to set up a fund to have available when these emergencies come to us. These children are so precious, and their parents do not have the means to help them in emergency situations. Let me know if you would like to donate to help us set up an emergency fund.
Also, the ONIL stove would stop the pneumonia problem in the babies if anyone is interested in buying one--this would make a great Christmas present for that person that has everything.
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